Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuits - Get the Truth

By Lisa J. Duluth

Asbestos mesothelioma lawsuits are commonly filed nowadays because of the increasing cases of mesothelioma being diagnosed by doctors. People who have been exposed to asbestos more than twenty or more years ago are now showing signs and symptoms of the disease caused by that exposure. There are now policies in many states that allow patients and relatives of those who have folks who died from mesothelioma to file a claim for compensations from companies and manufacturers responsible for using asbestos in their products. Online resources, doctors and lawyers can be approached for the fast and convenient processing of these claims.

There are two asbestos mesothelioma lawsuits that people could file against those companies. The first is the personal injury claim that can be filed by those who were diagnosed with the disease. It is recommended that filing be done as soon as diagnosis have been made in order to facilitate fast processing of the lawsuit and therefore fast release of compensation settlements for the patient and his family. The sum of compensation would be greatly needed by the patient for his treatment expenses and for support of his family in case of his death. Lawyers could handle everything for these patients as soon as patients have given them all the details they needed.

The second is the wrongful death suit that relatives of those who have died from the disease could file against these companies, even if their relative died many years ago. They can be granted compensations for the lost of their loved one. Both of these asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit if well-represented by expert and reputable lawyers could reward patients and families monetarily for the pain and sufferings brought about by the disease. They could also be compensated for lost wages, travel expenses to hospitals, medicines used in the treatment, funeral expenses, and group support and other necessary expenses incurred by the patient and families during the course of the disease.

For more information on Asbestos Cancer Mesothelioma, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit and much more, simply click on the links or visit

The Need of Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuits

By David Smidev

Why are asbestos mesothelioma lawsuits significant? The lawsuits are needed particularly when you want to make your company or employers be held responsible for your disease. The lawsuits would assist you get your employers or your company to be legally responsible for the full extent of the harm they caused for the reason that you were exposed to asbestos while you were working for them.

Mesothelioma is a fragile condition. It should be handled with precise care and carefulness. However, once the patient is identified with the condition, the family members or friends have got to file for an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit.

In the 1990's, it was estimated that asbestos related deaths peaked in the U.S. Since then, lawsuits have been on the rise. Some of the cases have involved huge settlement class actions. Consequently, a lot of reform bills have been passed in several states to regularize asbestos claims.

There are a lot of commonalities with regards to lawsuits and mesothelioma. Firstly, the client has to get an attorney who will go over the fine points from some decades past. Very unluckily, the process of mesothelioma lawsuits is very long and might even take years. This is since the reason of exposure to asbestos is not sufficient to win the lawsuit. The asbestos attorney has to find out the precise details of exposure, from the date it is believed to have started to the types of exposure and the exact products, elements and incidents that cause the exposure.

In the past recent years companies are becoming well-organized at winning lawsuits to the increased number of asbestos lawsuits. As a consequence of this, it is very possible to lose a claim if not backed by strong proofs and a good case. This is why it is sensible to file lawsuit in groups.

A good and competent lawyer who could assist a patient win an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit will possibly charge 33 to 40 percent of the gross recovery or even ask for an advance cost. Once one the lawyer is able to win the lawsuit, the patient may now obtain most funds which will be his compensation for the suffering and the medical costs.

If you want to get some excellent resources on ASBESTOS, please visit my site on All about Asbestos or Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuits.

Getting Familiar With an Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit

By Bob Henderson

Have you heard about the term mesothelioma? You rarely hear of this word but this is more commonly known as asbestos cancer. If you are suffering from this malignant disease, you surely had anything to do with inhaling dust particles from asbestos, a mineral that's more identified for its use in buildings and construction. Industries and companies have already been warned for ages about the dangers that the use of asbestos can bring to people's lives but this didn't stop them from using this mineral because they are allowed to use this at certain minimal limits. Any miscalculation, misuse or abuse can certainly send their workers to their death beds. This is why it is important to file an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit against these companies because it is their responsibility to protect their workers against health hazards.

A mesothelioma lawyer is an expert when it comes to filing an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. Legally, this lawyer can go after the companies that allow the presence of asbestos in the work place without any safety measures. Filing that lawsuit and getting a final verdict in your favor are the duties of the mesothelioma lawyer. It is important to get a specialty lawyer because most companies will try not to take any responsibility for their actions and getting an ordinary lawyer will only delay the legal proceedings as well as your asbestos claim. Getting asbestos cancer is no joke especially when you have to watch yourself struggle from this disease for the longest time. Dealing with the pain and the medical expenses that come along with contracting this type of cancer is already a burden in itself. This burden is even extended further to your loved ones who are also terrified at your ordeal and feeling your pain.

If more people are filing that asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit and actually win their cases, it can send a message to companies get their acts together to find other alternatives to asbestos. We all have the right to live free from the perils of getting this type of cancer that is not even caused by genetics. It is caused by self-less people who have selfish motives. These companies gain from other people's losses. They are enjoying their lives while the cancer patients watch themselves getting closer to death each day.

Like many other types of cancer, it is sad to know that there is still no cure for mesothelioma. You are lucky if at any given point in time the medical researchers can come up with a cure for it, that if you are still alive. You can hope for some miracle performed on you but you know you just have to deal with it until your body will become too tired to fight against it.

Someone has to pay for the medical plight you are in. It helps to consult an asbestos lawyer about this. Asbestos lawyers usually will not charge you anything at the beginning of the asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. If they win the case, that's the time that they will take a portion of your claim as their legal fees. In fact, even if you die before a verdict has been served in your favor, your surviving family can still benefit from it--like a blood money. Even though no amount of money can compensate for the life that was lost, in one way or another, it can certainly help them move on.

For the most up to date information about Asbestos Cancer, this is the only resource you will ever need.
Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit

The Relationship Between Mesothelioma, Asbestos and Cancer

By Andre Savoie

The history of asbestos

Asbestos generally refers to long threads of silicate fiber compounds. The word asbestos actually comes from the Greek word for "inextinguishable" as they are resistant to heat, fire, and chemicals as well as non-conductive. These unique properties made asbestos a useful material in many industries including the shipbuilding, automobile, and construction industries.

In America, asbestos was first mined and used commercially during the late 1800s, gaining popularity with many commercial applications until the 1970s. It was then that its use was finally banned for certain uses as the health hazards came to the forefront - even including the manufacturing of electric hair dryers.

In 1989, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned all new uses of asbestos but previously established uses, however, were still allowed. This was intended as a way to slow and then eliminate the use of asbestos in the United States, however it was overturned in 1990. Also in 1989, regulations regarding damaged or exposed asbestos in schools were also established.

Even today asbestos can be found in many products including:

  • brake pads and shoes,
  • roofing tar and roof shingles,
  • caulk,
  • clutch plates,
  • fire blankets,
  • the fireproof clothing worn by firefighters, and
  • thermal pipe insulation.
Linking asbestos to cancer

Asbestos poses the greatest threat to those who work with it regularly as they are most likely to inhale the fibers. When asbestos is disturbed, as may occur when it is being fitted for a particular use such as insulating a section of piping or wall, the smaller fibers break off and become airborne. In this form, the people around them can easily inhale the fibers.

Once inhaled, the asbestos lodges within the lungs and causes irritation, scarring, and possible abnormal cell growth, resulting in tumors and cancer as well as other mesothelioma symptoms. Asbestos cancer is also referred to as mesothelioma, because it affects the lining of the body's organs which is called mesothelium.

Workers in the following trades have the greatest risk of being exposed to asbestos and developing mesothelioma:

  • Asbestos mining and milling
  • Shipbuilding
  • Construction/building, particularly working with insulation
  • Asbestos removal workers
  • Automobile workers
  • Firefighters
  • Asbestos textiles manufacturing

If mesothelioma has entered your life through asbestos exposure please reach out and contact experienced mesothelioma attorneys such as those at Landry & Swarr. Over the years they have developed tremendous asbestos law experience and can help protect your rights. Article by: Andre' Savoie

Asbestos, Asbestos Exposure, and Mesothelioma - An Overview

The literal meaning of the word "asbestos" comes from the Greek, and it means "inextinguishable." Rightfully named, this long fibrous mineral has been widely used for thousands of years because of its fireproof qualities. In fact, the ancient Greeks used asbestos for the funeral dress of kings that were to be cremated. Both the Greeks and Romans used asbestos-fiber napkins, which they would clean by throwing into the fire.

In modern times, asbestos has been used for much the same reason. In addition, the mineral is highly resistant to heat, salt water, chemical corrosion and other biological processes. It is lightweight, extremely strong, and can be woven into cloth or mixed with building materials such as concrete. Asbestos has been used for insulation purposes in a variety of items and structures, including ceilings, walls, toasters, and hairdryers. It was widely used on ships and in military applications, and at one point its use was even mandated by the U.S. military.

Unfortunately, it is now known that exposure to asbestos carries with it enormous health risks. Pleural plaques, asbestosis, and mesothelioma cancer are some of the diseases that can be caused by asbestos, especially when the exposure is prolonged and/or repeated. Although the Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder observed a "sickness of the lungs" in the slaves who worked with the fiber, and the first case of asbestosis was noted as far back as the 1920s in England, the material was used in industrial applications, and its adverse effects have been ignored or even deliberately covered up, for decades.

Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos, once disturbed, releases tiny particles which are typically unseen by the human eye into the air. Once inhaled, these particles become lodged in the mesothelium, which is the outer lining protecting the heart, lungs and stomach. The fibers cannot be breathed out or otherwise removed from the body once they are lodged in the body's soft tissues.

Exposure to dangerous asbestos fibers has caused the development of asbestos cancer in a variety of different employees and occupations over the years. Exposure has occurred through the mining of asbestos from the earth, construction or demolition of asbestos-containing building materials, and even by washing clothing that has been contaminated by asbestos. Various asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, have been diagnosed in people from all walks of life.

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer whose only known cause is asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma often has a long latency period, and can remain undiagnosed for years or even decades. By the time it is diagnosed, the cancer has usually reached an advanced stage, which makes determining how to undergo mesothelioma treatment very difficult. This means that we do not yet understand the full impact of the widespread usage of asbestos in the early decades of the 20th Century, since so many people are just now being diagnosed.

Mesothelioma symptoms are generally non-specific and resemble those of common sicknesses, such as viral pneumonia, heart disease, flu and bronchitis. These symptoms include dyspnea (shortness of breath) or difficulty breathing, coughing and/or coughing up of blood, chest or abdominal pain caused by excessive fluid, weight loss, husky voice, difficulty swallowing, fever, anemia, bowel obstruction, inability to sleep, and loss of appetite. Because of the resemblance to many other diseases, mesothelioma is often misdiagnosed, or not accurately diagnosed until it has reached advanced stages. As with all cancers, mesothelioma can be more effectively treated when it is diagnosed early, but due to its long latency period and its symptoms' similarities to other health issues, it rarely is.

Currently, mesothelioma is incurable. There are treatments which can be used to slow the disease's progress or provide palliative care. Established therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation, experimental treatments, and holistic therapies can all be used individually or in conjunction with one another.

The goal and effort of is to help spread knowledge and awareness of asbestos related diseases, such as mesothelioma. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it's time to get help.

Asbestos Causes Mesothelioma in Lungs

Asbestos is often called the silent killer. It is a carcinogen which causes cancer in mesothelial cells and due to this the cancer is named "Mesothelioma". The mesothelial cells are the lining on internal organs like lungs, heart, abdomen etc. If mesothelioma develops in lungs, it is called pleural mesothelioma, if it develops in heart, it is called pericardial mesothelioma and in abdomen it is called peritonial mesothelioma.

This disease commonly occurs in lungs and the symptoms do not appear even after 40-45 years of inhalation of asbestos. People usually inhale fine fibers of asbestos at work places. It is used in many industries because of its durability, heat and fire resistant property by Metal plate workers, Decorators, Builders, Electricians, Carpenters, Gas fitters, Plumbers etc. Usually, men suffer with mesothelioma in lungs; women come in contact with asbestos while washing clothes of the people who have worked with asbestos.

Asbestos is found in many forms, but crocidolite, commonly known as blue asbestos is the most dangerous one. It is so because the fibers of blue asbestos are very fine. After inhalation, particles stick to the external lining of the lung known as pleura and cause cancer. The symptoms start with discomfort in the chest cavity, coughing, and eventual pain. Usually people don't come to know in beginning and this lung cancer is diagnosed in its advanced stage and therefore, 20% patients survive up to 5 years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma in lungs is incurable. The treatments used to cure this disease like Photodynamic Therapy, Photodynamic Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy, Gene Therapy, and Chemotherapy etc. can increase the life of the patient. Sometimes the affected lung, pericardium and half of the diaphragm are removed to extend the life of the patient.

Treatments to cure this disease are very expensive and therefore compensation is given to the patient by the person who is responsible for working with asbestos. But, patient has to prove that the reason behind mesothelioma was inhalation of asbestos. If the patient succeeds, he gets enough money to finance his treatment as well as to run and support his family.

Asbestos - The Primary Cause of Mesothelioma

Ninety percent of all Mesothelioma cases are traced to have been caused by exposure to asbestos. In fact, asbestos is the primary cause of Mesothelioma cancer. Let us try to take a quick look at asbestos and how it generally leads to Mesothelioma.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is one of the most useful minerals which can be found from rocks abundant in many countries. Its tiny fibers are as strong as steel yet can be woven easily. One of the most sought characteristics of asbestos is that it has high resistance to chemical reaction and heat.

Uses of Asbestos

UK was known to be the largest importer of asbestos; it is because asbestos can be used in construction and household appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, etc... It could also be used in building ships and vehicles.

Furthermore, asbestos is also a good insulator that's why many companies use asbestos to manufacture amosite insulation boards and other building materials. Others use it as hardener and come up with the asbestos cement.

Types of Asbestos

Asbestos has only three types; brown, blue and white asbestos. Among the three, brown and blue asbestos are not allowed to be exported to other countries since they are the most common causes of Mesothelioma cancers. White asbestos, on the other hand, was thought to be harmless until cases of Mesothelioma caused by it emerged in the early 1980's.

How Asbestos gets into the body

Dangers start when asbestos is damaged because it releases very tiny fibers which can be easily breathed in. These particles will make their way to the lungs blocking the small airways. The bad thing is that they cannot be coughed out. However, the natural defense mechanism of the body will try to break them down which will further result to inflammation of the lung tissues. Although, there are cases which asbestos are taken into the body through digestive system but the most common is through respiratory tracts.

Types of Mesothelioma

There are three types of Mesothelioma which are named after the tissues where asbestos fibers settle for a very long time and where the first symptoms can be detected.

Pleural Mesothelioma

When asbestos fibers are breathed in, they will settle down in pleura, the membranes which surround the lungs. There are no immediate effects and symptoms once asbestos is inhaled but over the years, Mesothelioma cancer cells will be developed due to frequent irritation that asbestos fibers would create. Other lung diseases can also be expected.

Peritonial Mesothelioma

Aside from being inhaled, asbestos fibers can also be swallowed through food and will stick in the digestive system of the human body. Researches showed that the particles will greatly damage the abdominal membranes called peritoneum; inflammation is the first symptom.

Pericardial Mesothelioma

This is the rare type of Mesothelioma but it is also the type with faster effects since asbestos fibers will cause great damages to pericardium, the membrane which holds the heart. Although experts don't have a clear view how the fibers reached the heart, but it is believed that fibers travel through bloodstream.

Mesothelioma cannot be detected immediately. It will take 20 to 30 years to experience its first symptoms. That is why people who have been exposed to asbestos are advised to consult a physician at early stage.

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous material which has been in use for a long time mainly for its fire resistant qualities. Asbestos is a preferred building material due to its fire resistant and heat resistant capability coupled with the fact that it is not expensive.

Asbestos was very popular amongst California business owners in the early and mid 20's and they used it in nearly every way they could. They tried to use asbestos to create safer, and cheaper buildings, but time has proven that these building are not any safer, nor are they more cheaper,as the high cost of treating the mesothelioma disease that they caused, they also lead to loss of lives.

Asbestos was once used in everything from automotive parts, clothing, and blankets. It was a natural choice for fire fighter gear. The asbestos material, looked like it was the absolute safest and most rewarding discovery of the 20th century, with buildings, homes, and businesses less likely to burn to the ground with the use of asbestos. The fact that about 3000 people died annually from Mesothelioma , made people to start to see things differently after some time.

Mesothelioma is a direct and profound consequence of long term exposure to asbestos. Asbestos fibers are in fact the only known cause of Mesothelioma. The great tragedy of Mesothelioma is far more insidious than the fact that thousands of people are diagnosed with Mesothelioma every year, but that the knowledge of what asbestos may very well do to the interior of those who were around it regularly has been well known since the 1920s.

Mesothelioma is one of the deadliest diseases with a virtual 100% mortality rate.Most cases will die within a year or two. The material that was often used to protect buildings from fire damage affected the internal organs of the people who worked with it, sentencing these hard working Californians early and painful deaths.

Asbestos affects slowly the lining of the organs, usually attacking the lining of the lungs. It may take somewhere between 10 and 40 years before the damage from asbestos becomes evident in the form of Mesothelioma. Those who worked with it never felt ill or had any physical warning signs that there was anything wrong.

The mortality rate has decreased slightly, as those who are now aware that they worked with asbestos in the past are receiving medical evaluations prior to having symptoms. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are finding their vigilance was warranted. However, with early detection, the survival rate has increased slightly.

For so many, early detection was never a possibility. So few companies were willing to inform their employees that they had been exposed to asbestos for fear of being compelled to reach reasonable and fair financial settlements with the victims of Mesothelioma and their families. Companies which had saved so much by effectively placing their employees at considerable risk need qualified California mesothelioma lawyers to stand up to them in order to provide financial relief from the devastation caused by asbestos.

Mesothelioma lawsuits are unfortunately the only available method of holding companies responsible for their asbestos negligence. A valid mesothelioma lawsuit will not only assists the victim in covering his astronomical medical expenses, but they also help to create awareness and ethical actions by other companies faced with choices during construction.

California mesothelioma lawyers who have excelled in the representation of Mesothelioma victims have surpassed most attorneys in providing aggressive care and representation for their clients. Mesothelioma has become such a glaring example of lack of company concern for their valuable employees. Big companies are required to examine their practices and their human obligation because of Mesothelioma lawsuits and the vast expense of Mesothelioma settlements.

Most of the companies chose to provide less than adequate protection for their workers but chose to provide good fire protection for their buildings. They did not mind some of their workers falling ill of even dying as long as they were able to preserve their buildings.

California workers have had enough of California bad business practice of placing production and performance over the health of their workers. The public needs to let these exploitative Carlifornia companies know that they would not allow them to exploit them any longer, they must challenge them in courts through the use of Mesothelioma lawsuits.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawsuit - Make Yours a Success

In the past, because of being exposed to an asbestos connected material, there have been situations in which the mesothelioma cancer patients have gotten thousands of dollars in reparation for their cancer diagnosis. Lately, mesothelioma lawsuits assist those who have become ill with this cancer by supplying a range of reimbursements. Some of these lawsuits have dealt with individuals who were in contact with asbestos linked materials at their workplace, and corporations are obliged to pay damages to their current or former employees for non-disclosure of the danger entailed in touching asbestos and associated materials.

Mesothelioma law operates on the basis that this contact with asbestos or linked matter with no previous knowledge has caused the injury, and occasionally the death of the patient. Launching your lawsuit quickly should guarantee that you obtain sufficient reparation soon enough to assist with your health costs and continuing treatment and support. So as to embark on a lawsuit, you'll have to get a skilled mesothelioma lawyer. They ordinarily can be located at respectable law firms.

It's imperative that you reveal all the facts regarding your asbestos mesothelioma cancer, together with your diagnosis and prognosis, to your lawyer, since it will assist him to develop a concrete lawsuit for your case.

You also ought to endeavor to give your lawyer all the particulars regarding the time frame that your contact took place, the place you were employed at the time, and any facts concerning whether you had previous realization of your contact. This data is deemed to be significant, and will make certain that your lawyer should be victorious in your mesothelioma lawsuit. You should try to find legal support the instant you have been told you have mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a cancerous growth on the mesothelium which is set off by having been exposed to asbestos material. There's certain valuable facts you ought to know about if you are contemplating entering an asbestos mesothelioma lawsuit. Before entering a lawsuit, you must obtain assistance from a trustworthy mesothelioma attorney to get a better grasp of mesothelioma law. Mesothelioma lawsuits may afford you with sufficient reparation that can help deal with your medical, legal, and continuing expenses associated with the illness.

Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Cancer and Metal Workers - The Facts

Asbestos was once marveled as the "miracle fiber" of the 20th century. Its heat and fire resistant properties made it an obvious choice for use in places where extremely high temperatures were part of job. Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the metal working industry. Plants that manufacture steel and aluminum often used asbestos in a number of different applications to help protect against fire and heat. The use of asbestos in this industry probably saved many lives, but that is no excuse to ignore the harmful and hazardous attributes of asbestos, or the mesothelioma cancer that is linked to it.

Some workers in these plants even wore asbestos clothing to help combat the extremely high temperatures. Asbestos was used to make pants, shirts, gloves, and even face masks. Cancer is linked to this type of close exposure to asbestos. Such exposure is extremely dangerous and made it very easy for the average worker to inhale hazardous asbestos fibers.

If you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos by a career in metal works it is important to be examined by a doctor for possible asbestos related problems and mesothelioma cancer. Early detection of mesothelioma and other asbestos related ailments can drastically change the prognosis for the affected individual and offer physicians a much wider variety of treatment options.

It is important to learn the facts and risks and mesothelioma, cancer and asbestos. Ask your doctor if you have concerns, or look for more information online. Don't become a victim to this deathly substance.

Asbestos & Mesothelioma - The Link

You have probably heard of the relationship between mesothelioma and a material known as asbestos. Most people have heard some mention of asbestos; do you hve any clue what it actually is? Asbestos is a mineral of the silicate group; it happens to occur in nature. It is recognizable by its fiber-like crystals; it is used for its pliability and heat resistance. Due to the necessity of these properties, asbestos was frequently used for insulation, caulk, roofing tars, and other industrial products. Common uses included electric insulation or heat insulation. The usage was stopped in the United States when it was identified that there was an asbestos-mesothelioma relationship.

Mesothelioma is defined as a cancer in which cancerous cells form in the lining of the chest (known as the pleura) and abdominal ( known as the peritoneum) cavities. This disorder is rare; it causes death as rapidly as nine months past diagnosis. Mesothelioma causes many symptoms, including coughing, abdominal pain, fatigue, and chest pain. If you experience any of these symptoms and have been exposed to asbestos, it is imperative to see a doctor. The asbestos-mesothelioma link is just too powerful; seeking attention is wise.

Mesothelioma is not considered a curable disease; diagnosis can be a very horrifying experience. Though not curable, it is treatable. Many options are available; they include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other natural treatments. What treatment you choose really depends on health factors; these include which stage the cancer is in, if it has spread, and what your own physical well being at the time of treatment is. Many individuals nowadays are opting for natural treatments over traditional treatments. Consult your doctor before starting any regimen.

Getting a second opinion is wise when dealing with asbestos-mesothelioma; since it is rare and its symptoms so common, a mistake is feasible. Many physicians may misdiagnose if a battery of tests are not performed. Since the symptoms can be from any number of illnesses, it is always best to make sure you have a correct diagnosis. If you have concerns that your diagnosis is not correct, share these with your physician.

Asbestos was commonly used in the last century; many industrial products and home insulators had the material. Anyone who has come into contact with asbestos should beware that it is known to cause mesothelioma. If you experience symptoms that are attributable to asbestos-mesothelioma, seek help from a doctor. Let them know you have come into contact with asbestos. Early diagnosis can prolong your life.

Mesothelioma-The Deadly Effect of Asbestos

To provide hope and life-saving treatment to the thousands of people dying each year from asbestos-caused mesothelioma, federal governments of affected countries must make substantial investments into medical research.

Asbestos must be banned in the United States and in other developed countries to protect future generations from increased proliferation of this deadly disease.

Mesothelioma: A Terrible Killer

Mesothelioma is an extremely painful, almost always fatal cancer in which membrane cells (mesothelium) lining the chest or abdomen become malignant and multiply and divide without control. The resulting tumor thickens and hardens, crushing the lungs and suffocating the patient, invading the chest wall causing severe difficulty in breathing and sometimes invading other vital organs like the heart, aorta or the abdomen, leading to various forms of the cancer.

We are all at risk

Mesothelioma is the tragic legacy of the industrial and commercial use of asbestos.Advertised as “the miracle mineral” because of its excellent fireproofing, insulating, filling and bonding properties, asbestos was used virtually everywhere in industry,manufacturing and construction from the 1930s through the late 1970s, even as its carcinogenic and respiratory lethality was well known to medicine, industry and the government. At its peak usage, more than 3,000 industrial applications or products were listed as utilizing asbestos.

As a result, over 20 million American workers were exposed to this mineral and are at risk of developing mesothelioma today, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When the workers in the asbestos related industries brought the fibers home on their skin, hair and clothes, their families were also exposed to the dangerous mineral.

Asbestos was prevalent on Navy ships, and servicemen and shipyard workers were heavily exposed. A study at the Groton, Connecticut shipyard found that over one hundred thousand workers had been exposed to asbestos over the years at just this one shipyard.

Mesothelioma has a long incubation period before its symptoms start to show (ten to 50 years), and even low-dose, incidental exposures to asbestos are sufficient to cause the cancer. Thus, the prolific exposures of the past are leading to an epidemic of disease today. Minnesota Congressman Bruce Vento worked near an asbestos-insulated boiler in a Minneapolis brewery for two summers while putting himself through college. In October 2000, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, and died just ten months later.

According to the most recent data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2004, approximately2,700 Americans died from mesothelioma, and incidence still has not peaked.

Millions more Americans are being put at risk today, because of all of the asbestos that remains present in occupational settings; in buildings such as homes, offices and schools; and in a wide variety of products. Just one product, an insulation contaminated with a very dangerous form of asbestos, is estimated by the EPA to be in 30 million

The EPA estimates that there are asbestos containing materials in most of the nation's approximately 107,000 primary and secondary schools and 733,000 public and commercial buildings. According to the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an “estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job.” The utility tunnels under our nation’s Capitol have hazardous levels of asbestos, and demonstrate just how pervasive the problem is.

In fact, asbestos still has not been banned. Every year, the hazards of asbestos increases as more of the carcinogen is introduced into our environment. Asbestos is still used in roofing and other building materials, and in many consumer products including vehicle brakes. As a result, everyday occurrences like going to work, simple remodeling projects, or the normal wear of roofing materials, tiles or brakes on a family vehicle are exposing Americans to the hazardous risk of mesothelioma.

Needed: A National Commitment to a Cure

Mesothelioma was identified in medical literature by the late 1940’s. However, for decades the need for research to develop effective treatments for mesothelioma patients was ignored, obscured by the legal, economic and political aspects of asbestos.

The National Cancer Institute’s annual investment in clinical mesothelioma research has been, on a per death basis, only a fraction of its investment in other cancers. For years,despite the disproportionate toll of the disease on Navy veterans and shipyard workers,the Department of Defense did not apply any of its vast biomedical research resources to mesothelioma.

As a result of the Meso Foundation’s advocacy efforts, in 2008mesothelioma investigators are for the first time eligible to compete for Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Grant funding. No mesothelioma grants have yet been awarded, however, this has led to advancements in the treatment of mesothelioma lagging far behind those of other cancers. According to the National Institutes of Health, the median survival of mesothelioma patients is only 14 months, with most patients dying within two years.

But there is hope. Since 1999, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has awarded over $5 million to spur mesothelioma research forward. Researchers are gaining valuable understandings of the tumor and potential treatment targets, and new clinical trials are opening. The field is ripe for federal partnership. Federal investment in the research needed to develop earlier detection and more effective treatment is essential to provide hope to the thousands of Americans who will become sick as a result of asbestos exposures that have already occurred or that will inevitably occur given the virtual ubiquity of asbestos in our environment.

The proliferation of asbestos and asbestos-disease must be stopped. Over 40 developed and industrialized countries have already banned asbestos; the United States should also protect its citizens by enacting an immediate asbestos ban.